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Virtual Therapy Supports

Brief Therapist Check-In

We will have a MOCO therapist available to speak with you for a brief check-in over the phone to answer questions and help address any immediate concerns related to your child’s current therapy plan. These sessions will be:

  • provided at no charge to the family*

  • 10-15 minutes in length

  • audio only using your regular phone service or the free Zoom app

If you would like to schedule a brief check-in with a MOCO therapist, please call the front desk and a member of our scheduling team will assist you in scheduling a time. 

* MOCO will attempt to seek reimbursement from insurance as guidelines and allowances for telehealth are adjusted in the coming weeks

Interactive Video Session

If you would like to have a more extensive, interactive video session to update your plan of care, adjust your home program, have a therapist interact directly with your child, or have a therapist provide coaching, we can assist you in scheduling an interactive video session. You and the therapist will be able to see and hear each other during the session.
These sessions will be:

  • be conducted using a secure, HIPAA-compliant video meeting platform

  • MOCO will attempt to seek reimbursement from insurance as guidelines and allowances for telehealth are adjusted in the coming weeks. As guidelines are rapidly changing in this area of healthcare due to the current crisis, we do not yet know what reimbursement rates will be.


Please call or email if you are interested in scheduling an interactive video session. The MOCO therapy team will help you determine when and what type of service would be most appropriate to your family.

* MOCO uses a version of Zoom that has health-service grade security in compliance with national health information protection standards.

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